Authors are creative people who knew exactly how to shape things. Fantasy authors in particular have got the ability to create a whole new world out of nowhere. It is easy for a creative person to create new options but still, information needs to be there for a person to make the best decision. Writing a novel involves making a strenuous effort but publishing a novel requires making a better decision. One can try all the best options to make one’s creativity go viral.

Developing a product involves a great deal of research and effort. But once a product is manufactured it is necessary to reach out to the prospects. Advertisement and promotions, therefore, help reach prospective buyers. Tell you what; a reader is always waiting for a book even eagerly. You just need to reach out to a reader and the selling will start taking place for your book. Not every author is looking to sell but yes, every author is writing for the readers. Therefore, it is better to publish smartly and reach the maximum number of readers. Here is how you can attain it.
1. Trade digitally as it is growing
Digital dealing is the way forward as one can rely on it. It is growing and will continue to grow in the future. Not only digital platforms but also conventional ones are forecasting digital growth. Conventional publishers are supporting digital publishing as the cost of conventional publishing is rising. It is seriously feasible to publish a novel digitally as compared to conventional novel publishing. It is therefore strongly recommended to rely on digital publishing if you are going to publish a novel in 2023.
2. Print prices may continue to rise
It is described explicitly in the lines above that environmental changes and preservation of natural resources will lead to a rise in paper prices. The prices of paper may also continue to rise with time and if you are planning to publish a novel in 2023 then it’s time to think of digital options. Authors, as well as publishers, are contacting libraries for the conventional display of their items. Libraries are offering books for reading and are acting as the source of conventional display of books. It ensures reach while authors are selling copies online at the same time.
3. BookTok boosts sales
TikTok has taken people by surprise as this short video format is helping youth in promoting their content in the form of short videos. It is helping every seller one way or the other but for authors, it is offering an even unique service. The BookTok is a sub-community that is boosting sales for authors. You can also place your story there as Barnes and Noble have started featuring there.
4. The increased competition demands refined marketing
You got to be smart in marketing the way you were smart in creating the plot for your story. A smart marketer will build a smart strategy to stand out from the crowd. It is the only way forward if you are to sell superfluously in the increasing competition. You need to be offering snippets of your content on social media. You got to run ad campaigns but remember all that must be backed with smart content.
5. Do not forget to develop an audio copy of your novel
Audiobooks are the new normal among readers. The readers are fast turning into listeners as they are trying to listen to the books instead of reading them. With the enhancement in technology and time running fast listening to quality content is the way forward. Therefore, you must not miss the opportunity to create an audio copy of your book and must publish it on platforms like Audible. It will help enhance your sales and will keep you up to the mark in the competition.
6. Give your novel a cinematic appeal
A single novel can make marvels, alchemist by Paulo Coelho has made it. But it is strongly recommended that you should go for the series. You can also create things like Lord of the Rings. It is good to give your content a cinematic appeal. The movie makers and streaming platforms have a strange affinity toward booksellers. They love to use strong dialogues and the best plots to make movies and clips. You can also catch one’s eye by giving your content a strong cinematic appeal.
7. Collaboration gives mutual benefits
Competition is a healthy activity as it will make people improve with time. But an even better option is sometimes collaboration. Writers from the same genre or niche can collaborate to host and disseminate webinars and spaces to spread their word. It is good to arrange events for free giveaways. Every writer can offer free copies to the attendants of a virtual or conventional event. It will help enhance engagement and will help promote sales.
8. Interactive books and manga formats are also gaining attention
EBooks are the new trend but interactive books are also getting on the list of bestselling books. Therefore, if you are looking to publish your novel in 2023 then you can also choose a format that can help sell swiftly. Interactive books are on the rise and a newer yet established format manga is also getting fame fast. You can try these options to publish your novel in an even interactive form.
9. Indie authors and small publisher
Remember it is not always Amazon or Kobo that will get you sales. You can also sell superfluously by picking up a smaller publisher. The smaller publishers tend to take care of every single book they get. You should also try to choose some smaller online publishers instead of spending a lot on promoting your book on Amazon.
10. Get reviews and views in the beginning
It is vital to get views and reviews in the beginning. You can buy space in papers and journals to attain reviews. It is also good to get recommendations from famous writers and social media influencers. It will help set the tone for your novel.
Publishing your novel in 2023 will simply require making a holistic effort if you are to stand out from the crowd.