Having a flare for writing is the first and foremost must-have for every writer. One cannot just write with authority without having a constant flow of some seriously splendid ideas. The ideas are not only required for creating a plot but also necessary for writing intriguing ideas. Tell you what; the entire writing process involves sheer creativity and the use of the brain on a consistent basis. It is not a kind of task that can be done by anyone. Even the best writers are used to brainstorming and writing tons of copies before finalizing the final story.

Getting writing ideas for every single story is vital but one needs to imagine hard to come up with a strong story. People like to see something strange, wild, imaginary, and motivating. It is lure and engagement that matter but most importantly a piece of writing got to be genuine and appealing. It needs to offer something realistic and conceivable even if an author is taking people to an imaginary world. It is the reality that appeals to the audience and that’s what makes a book stand out at the end of the day. You are a winner if you can offer something that can either change the thinking or feeds the already generated thoughts.
Here are some striking ideas for every writer that wants to excel.
Look around and address the literary needs of a society
There are continents and then we see hundreds of nation-states on the map of this world. But at the moment the whole world works like a society. So first of all imagine that the whole world is your society. The next step is to find the unmet needs of this society and you can quite easily find them. There are pandemics, global warming, extra rains, drought, floods, wars, and discoveries. Similarly, there exists an urge to discover or do something extraordinary. Millions of people are dreaming to get to mars while others want to safeguard this planet and make it look extremely livable. So you have plenty of room to write on any domain that matches your knowledge base or invites you to dwell deep down the line.
Ask what is going on and then funnel down to a specific domain
You are likely to find multiple domains and areas while brainstorming for a topic or a story. Each sector might be important at the same time and might offer a range of options to you. But you need to take a deep look at the matters surrounding your global village. Since you cannot write a book on every topic at the same time so you got to leave a few topics for your fellow authors. You should rather funnel down to a specific domain and decide on the final selection. You can sort all vital options by going through the stories going on in the news and headlines.
Art of sorting a specific domain
Now when you have short-listed a few sectors it’s time to reach the final domain. The domain that you select must be based on your interest. It also needs to base on your knowledge and expertise. More importantly, it must address your local or nearby community before addressing the entire world. It will not only help you get more audience but also will help get international clients. Your local community is always ready to buy from you so it is always good to address them before addressing the entire global village. Similarly, you can also start directly on an international topic. Everyone is concerned about global warming and its effects on the earth and everyone is interested in going into space. Therefore, you can also pick a domain that falls in the international category.
Ask the experts or read through the hot topics
Consulting a book coach or a senior editor can help select a great topic. You can also scroll through the hot topics available online for a better decision. Expert editors can let you know about the hot topics. You can get all the good writing ideas from a senior expert a book coach can also serve you with some splendid ideas. It is easy to write on a variety of topics without worrying about flaws when you have a book coach to guide you. You can involve in conversations with a book coach and can brainstorm for the dialogues and plot lines.
Rework the familiar and the famous
Every good writer comes up with a great new idea but many successful writers love to do something new by reworking on a famous story. You need not to copy the plot or the story of a successful book. You can rather get a good writing idea and can create a wonderful story by reworking on a familiar and famous book. Writing a book never means writing an entirely new story you can carve a similar one. It will surely help reach the audience that is looking for more on the same topic.
Create chapters, topics, and sub-topics
Every good book even the literature will offer chapters, topics, and subtopics. It not only helps readers but also the writers. A writer can write a great book by breaking down the entire book into chapters with each chapter taking the reader to the next stage. Drafting titles, topics, and subtopics help move on in an organized manner.
Store away all pieces until everyone falls into place
Writing down a sketch or the topics is not the solution unless you have stored them away for further use. A chapter or a collection of topics cannot ensure guaranteed success until everything sticks together in the final round. A synergy among all chapters or topics needs to be there for a proper finish. An author needs to store all the ideas before connecting them together into a book. Notching down all the ideas works pretty well for beginners. Even expert writers are used to notch down ideas as they come to their minds. It is good to store ideas as you cannot always generate them on an urgent basis.